SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?


Changing your hair color for the summer has always been a trend since forever ago! But there are five colors that are popping this summer! Let’s get into baby……

The Blonde Bombshell

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?

Go Platinum Honeyyyyyyy! Platinum Blond has been here for years and will never I mean NEVER go out of style.  This hair color will always be a classic “She Ready” go to color for the summer. Single hair color tones are all the rave and this BOMBSHELL is at the top of this summer’s list!

Balayage Slayage

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At? 

This dark rooted ombre twist will bring all the boys to the yard ladies! I’ve seen this hair color ALL OVER MY IG TIMELINE! This color adds so much dimension to your hair! Whether you wear it bone straight or curled this hair color will having you slaying Summer all Twenty-18!

 Pink Hair Don’t Care

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?

 All my pretty girls rock, rock, ROCK! What’s more girly than pink hair! Now I’m not saying dye your real hair pink. Y’all better call Natalie to create you a custom pink wig for the summer, there is still time left!!!  This trend has stars like Tamar Braxton and Rasheeda looking like pink jewels!!! LOVE IT! 

Orange you glad its SUMMER!

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?

Y’all like how I did that? Huh? Ha! Orange hair has made a huge SPLASH this summer! I’ve seen so many celebrities and my everyday girls throwing their orange weekend wig on! This color is IT! If you want an edgy look get into it!

 Call the Fire Department…. because this one is RED HOT!

SiS, It’s Summer Where's the Color At?

 Fire engine Red is not your everyday color, but it is heating the summer up! Red, in general, is an all-season color. But this shade is very popular this summer. Try doing a dark root to give it a more subtle look. Or a rooted bob wig in RED and CHILEEEEEEEEE you gone need a firefighter to put out that fire!!!

I hope you enjoyed this article ladies! Until next time!



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