Earn that Body!

Earn that Body!


We all know its summer time, and everyone wants that summer body! For me I want it all HONEY! I want the abs, the legs and butt, and the strong and healthy hair. Here’s a few things that will help you achieve the summer body and hair goals your heart desires:

  • For stronger hair: Greek yogurt and peanut butter are high in protein, a main building block of great hair and a source of elasticity.

Earn that Body!



  • For silk and sheen: try eating Oysters, crab meat, lean meats, tofu, and beans have loads of iron and zinc — minerals that are crucial for keeping hair smooth.

Earn that Body!

  • To keep your hair from breaking off: eat more Broccoli, red peppers, brussels sprouts, kiwi, and oranges they are rich in vitamin C, which can protect hair from breakage.

Earn that Body!

  • For a healthier scalp: Fatty fish (like salmon and trout), walnuts, and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3 fats, which can prevent dry scalp and dandruff.

Earn that Body!

Trust me ladies eating things in these food groups will have you looking and feeling like a dime that’s top of the line!!!! Good hair, slim waist, with a big behind! Hahahahaha


Earn that Body!

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